You're Missing A Key Element to Coffee Making at Home: this is why your coffee temperature is the most important aspect
Brewing the perfect coffee at home can be challenging and time consuming, we've all been there. Many factors contribute to the final taste of the coffee; water temperature is one of the most important ones, along with quality beans, and grind size. Here's why mastering water temperature can elevate your home coffee brewing experience.
The Science of Coffee Extraction
Coffee brewing is in fact a chemical experiment, happening from the comfort of your own home. When hot water comes in contact with the coffee grounds it dissolves soluble compounds, which is what extracts the coffee flavouring. The water temperature directly influences which compounds are extracted and in what quantities.
Optimal Extracting:
The ideal water temperature is between 90-96°C. This is important because it hits the perfect sweet spot which helps to balance your coffee, the cooling down period for boiling water to reach that temperature is 2 minute.
If you wait for longer than 2 minutes you risk under-extracting your coffee, which can lead to the coffee tasting sour or acidic as the coffee is not fully dissolved.
If you do not wait for 2 minutes after boiling water you risk your coffee tasting bitter as the coffee has been burnt leading to too many compounds being extracted.
Different Brewing Methods
Different brewing methods might have slightly different optimal water temperatures to achieve the best results.
1. Pour-Over and French Press: (V60 and Chemex) aim for a water temperature of 90-96°C.
2. Espresso: Your espresso machine should be calibrated to a precise temperature around 93°C. This water temperature is vital for the pressure mechanisms of the espresso machine to pour at the highest pressure.
3. Cold Brew: cold brew is best brewed with room temperature water, allowing for a slow extraction over-night.
Mastering water temperature can be a journey filled with trial and error. By learning how to control the key variables you can unlock a world full of flavour and achieve a consistent coffee at home.
So, next time you're making coffee at home, remember: the right water temperature makes all the different in your daily brewing! Don't be afraid of experimenting.